I'm SO excited you picked math for Gifted Pirate University! I can't wait to see what you learn and show us along the way.
MAJORS: Below are the requirements for this major in case you ever need them. In the comments section, I would love to hear why you picked this major and the first 'course' you would like to take to start earning credits! You will need 100 credits to 'graduate' at the end of the year.
MINORS: Below are the requirements for this minor in case you ever need them. The list is always being added to so check back often. You need to be in Math Club at your building to have this for your Minor unless you have special permission from Mrs. Bronn. You will need 25 credits by Christmas Break to earn your Minor of Mathematics.
· 5 credits (40 max for the year)- Watch and then present a mini lesson with activity to go with a new concept you learned from watching a Khan Academy Video
* 5 credits for working on Khan Academy lessons for 120 min. in 2 weeks. Must be registered with Mrs. Bronn as your coach & be logged in with your school username and password AND have 80% correct in order to receive these credits.
* 5 credits for every 10,000 coins you earn in Sumdog with your SCHOOL account.
* 5 credits for tutoring another student for 120 minutes total (but not during your regular class math time). Use this Tutoring Log Sheet to record your times and what you worked on.
* 15 credits - Write an A-Z book about a mathematician, a career in mathematics, or specific math topic. Must also be illustrated. Can be done on computer or on paper.
*10 credits- Make a Math Cartoon about a Math Topic your class will study this year or from a Topic in the next grade level up Click HERE for more details. Mrs. Bronn has Comic Strip Templates you may choose from.
* 5 credits- Dress as a famous mathematician for Halloween. Record with video or pictures of you sharing facts with Trick or Treaters about who you are. Share with the class the week of Nov. 3. This activity expires the week of Oct. 31-Nov. 4.
5 credits- Qualifying Test Bolivar Competition
5 credits- Cassville Competition
10cr- participate in Regionals at Bolivar
20cr- State Math Competition
* 10 Credits - Research/Present to group and display on Math Bulletin Board 1 famous mathematician, research a career/interview people who have a career in the mathematics field, sharing information learned Or you can write a blog about it and include a visual. Make sure you must site your 3 sources at the end of the blog
*15 credits- Participate in The Stock Market Game Click HERE for Permission Slip that must be brought in before you can play.
· 30 credits- Kids TED ed Talk project based on an area of concern you have for lack of mathematics in our schools/country and what you did to address this problem and how you will inspire others to join in the effort to love math more! (We will be discussing TED ed Talks in January)
* 30 credits - Pecha Kucha - 20x20 of careers in mathematics or math topics. If the Pecha Kucha is 15x15 then worth 20 points. You still must follow all the Pecha Kucha rules. :-)
· 10 credits(40 max)- Complete a MathMenu for a topic in class
· 5 credits(40 max)- IXL - Work on a topic in the NEXT grade level up that has at least 5 sections in it. You must answer at least 20 questions and finish with at least an 80% correct in each of the 5 sections to receive 5 credits.
· 5 credits (10 max for the year)- Create a poster for vocab or something within your Math Class Topic that will be displayed in the hallways to help review for other students in your grade. Poster must be complete before Lesson 3 AND approved by Mrs. Bronn BEFORE it can be hung up. To receive the 5 credits you have to have a poster for each topic covered that semester.
* 5 credits (20 max for semester)- Create a math puzzle (must include an answer key) for others to solve & post on board. The math puzzle must involve the topic you are currently studying in Math.
* 5 credits Bronn’s Math Blog- (20 credits max per semester) For every 2 posts on Bronn's Math Major Blog reviewing at current (within the last year) articles involving math in the news
· 5 credits- Create 20 questions with their answers and work with a team on game for Math Bowl during Gifted University Showcase Night (Jeopardy style)
· 20 credits (Mrs. Bronn may give more credits based on your ideas & length of time needed for the project) Design a project that interests you that centers on math you are learning about- Real World (4th grade- shopping/travel/bills(tips/simple interest)budgets, 5th grade-Data Analysis/Geometry in Real World, 6th grade- Economics (cost of living, compound interest)/Stock Market
· 20 credits -Create a Math App that will cover Topics in your grade level throughout the year
· 10 credits Attend Math Club for each 9 weeks. 9 weeks attendance with only 1 absence = 10 credits & credits will be awarded at the end of the 9 weeks.
* 5 credits per week for a completed math packet (showing all the work of how you got the answers for at least 3 Tests for each number: ie, Number Sense, Sprint, Target, Team Test for 11520) that you receive from Math Club. Save them in your math notebook and bring them on days credits are due.
* 20 REQUIRED MAJOR credits- (not for Minor) Display Gifted Showcase Board & neat organized Math binder. Mrs. Bronn has what the board should include and you should receive this paper to take home BEFORE Spring Break!!