Saturday, November 29, 2014

Leonhard Euler

                                                                   Leonhard  Euler

                    Leonhard Euler lived through 1707-1783 and was born on April 15, 1707 and was educated in Basel, Switzerland. He had married twice and had 13 children but only 5 lived, the rest died at a young age. He was arguably the greatest mathematician of the 18 century. Euler had made the Euler theorem or the Euler formula but, those can mean many things because he made so many important contributions. One of them was that any polyhedron that doesn't intersect itself the number of faces plus the number of vertices minus the number of edges Will always equal 2. June ofHe spent most of his career in St. Petersburg and Berlin. In 1727 he joined the St. Petersburg academy of science.

                             Euler was a great mathematician and scientist. He could recite word-for-word the entire Aeneid, which is a twelve book series of poems with about 300 words on each page. Leonhard was very good with dealing with distractions. He did lots of his work while his children were playing at his feet.

                             I'm sure Leonhard was a great person, but what I know is... he changed the                                  world.



Sunday, November 16, 2014

Euclid of Megara and Alexandria

Euclid of Megara and Alexandria

It is widely believed that Euclid studied under Aristotle. He later founded the school of mathematics at the university of Alexandria. He was also first to discover that there are probably an infinite amount of prime numbers
 and he created Euclid's algorithm for computing Greatest Common Divisor. He introduced the Mersenne primes and observed that (M2+M)/2 is always perfect
"The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God,"- Euclid
His famous writings  consist of many important theorems, most were inspired by the people before him like Hippocrates or Exodus. Some of his books include: The Division of the scale, The Optics and The Elements. Sadly most of his masterpieces were lost in history or ruined but The Elements was used as a textbook for almost 2000 years and is still the basis of almost all high school geometry today.

30 Greatest
Euclid quotes

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

My Math App (Programmed in Scratch)

     There's this awesome programming language called scratch that you can look at Here.
But it's not the programming language that's the cool thing here, it's what can be made.
I made a math app (Here).
It uses actual 
buttons with A, B, C, and D on them. The Ghost, (Mild mannered spooky math instructor Ghostie) Goes through Topic 2 of sixth grade Envision math, which covers basic algebra. Ghostie says the questions while you click on A, B, C, or D (which says what the choice is) If you click the right one, you will move on to the next topic. If you are incorrect, Ghostie will tell you the correct Answer and tell you why that is the correct answer.