Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Archimedes of Syracuse

Archimedes was considered the greatest of the ancient mathematicians. He was born 287 years BEFORE CHRIST! He grew up in Syracuse, Italy and went to Euclid's school after Euclid had already died. It is believed that Archimedes far better than Euclid with the complexity of his work and his work's relativity.
Considering the lack of any technology whatsoever in that time, his work was amazing and most of it we still use today. He wrote several books including: Floating BodiesSpiralsThe Sand ReckonerMeasurement of the CircleSphere and Cylinder, and a few more.

"Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world." - Archimedes

Pi is known as Archimedes' constant because he was the one to first formulate the volume and surface area of a sphere and the first to prove the  relationship between a circle's circumference and area. His estimation of π was: 223/71 < π < 22/7 (and it was the best of it's day until Apollonius).

His book The Method  wasn't discovered until 1998 which leads people to belive that some of his writing is still unknown. We know know that he discovered things that weren't thought to have been discovered until 2300 years later. He was INCREDIBLY far ahead of his time.


30 Greatest
Archimedes Pictures

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