Albert Einstein was born on March 14,1879, in Ulm, Germany. In his early years in education, he was a poor student, and many teachers thought he was retarded. He had many speech problems when he was nine years old. But many teachers didn't know that Albert was fascinated by the wondrous and confusing world around him. However, like many kids, he disliked school and ended his secondary education at age sixteen. He had gotten himself expelled by his bad attitude, and found a way to quit school without hurting his chances for university. He mastered many things, including calculus, the measurement of irregular shapes, and the form of math used to solve problems involving physics and engineering. However, Einstein quickly became infamous by his mathematical expression
e=mc 2 because it was used to set off a bomb that destroyed Hiroshima, Japan. Albert Einstein died in Princeton,1955.
I really liked this extremely interesting post on Albert Einstein. I honestly had no idea why e=mc2 was so famous until I read this. This was so interesting and I really enjoyed it.